Today there was a briefing in which the government to clarified the classification of industries for reopening of economy – in particular the transition to Level 4 of Lockdown.
Here is the full video of the press conference . . . . but don’t worry, I’ve summarised the pertinent information for you in the post . . . .
In the press conference the ministers mention a detail document that would be made available – This document, entitled Schedule of Services – Framework for Sectors is available online, but don’t worry – I have read through it to update you asap.

It’s important to note, and it has been made very clear in the press conference, as well as on the cover of the document, that the specifics detailed in this document are subject to revision, so this document, and my commentary below, needs to be read as ‘Subject to Further Revision’.
If you would like a say in the final regulations to be gazetted, I would suggest that it’s important to contact real estate industry bodies to lobby the goverment.
If you want the highlights of the document, with particular reference to real estate – and rentals in particular, here are the important points:
Level 4:
- Real estate services are not specifically listed as a permitted service
- Your tenant/s may, however, be level 4. If they are and are returning to work they are permitted to move – even inter-provincially
- It then follows for me logically that rental agents will be permitted to work under ‘Other professional services may operate only where work-from-home is not possible, and only to support other Level Four services (e.g. exit inspection, etc.)
- However, I would think that the above exception would logically only apply if the tenant could not ‘work from home’ given that ‘work from home’ seems to be encouraged as far as is possible
- importantly, the deeds office will be opening under Level 4, which will be good for those of you that have sales pending
All of the above applies for Level 4 and below.
Changes that come into play at the lower levels, and that are pertinent to rental agents are:
Level 3:
- Commercial Real Estate Permitted
- Gardening and swimming pool services
Level 2:
- All real estate activities permitted
- All repair work, including plumbers, electricians, locksmiths, glaziers, roof repair work
- Interprovincial travel is permitted
Level 1:
- All postal services and courier services (i.e. eCommerce) permitted
That’s the summary.
If you want more detail, without reading the whole document, here it is:
**Please note that for each level I have only highlighted what has been added over and above the previous level**
Level 4 & Below
Information & Communication Services:
- Information and Communication Technology services for all private and business customers;
Financial & Business Services:
- Specified services, AND
- Other professional services may operate only where work-from-home is not possible, and only to support other Level Four services
- Interprovincial travel is not permitted except to return to work with proof of employment, in exceptional circumstances such as funerals (with approval) or essential services.
- Stay at home, other than essential travel for work and to purchase essential goods.
- People can exercise under strict public health conditions, subject to directions, which will exclude organised activities, recreational facilities, and gyms
- Essential government and administration services may operate, and this now includes the deeds offices
Level 3 & Below
Construction & Related Services (incl, tradespeople):
- Commercial building projects; and
- Critical maintenance and repairs
Information & Communication Services:
- Postal services and courier services (i.e. eCommerce) related to transport of retail goods, subject to directions
Financial & Business Services:
- Commercial real estate permitted
- Other professional services may operate only where work-from-home is not possible, and only to support other Level Three services
Private Household Employment:
- Permitted to support all Level 3 personnel and live-in staff; and
- Gardening and swimming pool services
Level 2 & Below
Financial & Business Services:
- All real estate activities permitted
Personal Movement:
- Interprovincial travel is permitted
Repair and related emergency services:
- All repair work, including plumbers, electricians, locksmiths, glaziers, roof repair work
Level 1 & Below
- No limitation on personal movement but persons are encouraged to limit movement to essential travel
Financial & Business Services:
Information & Communication Servicies:
- Employees should work from home where possible
- All financial and business services permitted
Repair and related emergency services:
- All repair and related emergency services permitted
Public administration, government services and other arms of the state:
- All public administration and government services permitted
Rental Leaders Focus GroupR250,00 / month