Lease Agreements

Tenant Arrested or Conducting Illegal Activity from the Rental Property - What Can the Landlord Do?

Tenant Arrested or Conducting Illegal Activity from the Rental Property – What Can the Landlord Do?

“Rental agents face unique challenges when tenants are arrested or engage in illegal activity—Ismaiel Mohamed shares actionable insights and legal strategies to navigate these complex situations effectively.”

Tenant Arrested or Conducting Illegal Activity from the Rental Property – What Can the Landlord Do? Read More »

Question mark

What’s the value of a fixed term lease if a tenant can cancel on 20 business days notice at any time?

Have you even wondered if there’s any value to a fixed term lease when the tenant can cancel on 20 business days notice under the CPA? I believe there definitely is a huge benefit. Here’s the reason why . . .

What’s the value of a fixed term lease if a tenant can cancel on 20 business days notice at any time? Read More »