RentalSphere Online Virtual Residential Rentals BootCamp

Co-hosted by

Xpello Evition Process Management Specialists

LIVE VIA ZOOM – 12-15 June 2023 @ 9 – 12.30


DAY 1: Rental Mandates & Property Marketing

Rental MasterClass - Rental Mandates

Presented by residential rental guru, Shaun Luyt, this masterclass covers:

  • the pre-requisites that have to be met before a rental agent can enter into a rental mandate with a landlord
  • the reason you DO need a rental mandate

Are you experiencing an increase in landlords wanting to cancel their rental management service for financial (NOT service-related) reasons?

Shaun will also be discussing why the current economic climate necessitates agents think about fixed-term mandates, instead of month-to-month mandates

Rental MasterClass - Property Marketing

In this masterclass rentals guru, Shaun Luyt, will be covering the fundamentals of marketing a rental property, with special emphasis on the importance of ensuring the landlord is part of the ‘marketing team,, as well as the importance of reviewing the results of marketing and adapting it to ensure you get the desired results as quickly as possible. Shaun will also discuss the importance of understanding price bands and the affordability pyramid.

Industry Expert Special Guests . . .

Xpello Evition Process Management Specialists

Elize le Roux, Managing Director of Xpello, will be discussing the competitive advantage rental agents can achieve by offering their landlords the option to include expert breach/arrears & eviction management services in the service offering they opt for in the rental mandate. Elize will also explain the huge advantages rental agents gain from the expert landlord risk-reduction solution that Xpello offers.

Bruno Simão, BSA Law

Bruno will be discussing the importance of the rental mandate,

David Steynberg from PropertyFunnels will be sharing tips on how to craft your ‘For Rent’ ad & the ad title to get more ad views, as well as the best practices for sharing your available rental properties socially to get the most traction, including some tips on automating your social sharing.

Day 2: Social Media Branding, Rental Applications & Applicant Screening

Rental MasterClass - Rental Applications

Is your rental application process compliant with the Property Practitioners Act?

That’s only one of the things that Shaun will be covering in this MasterClass. He’ll also be discussing what needs to be in your rental application form to ensure that you can screen the applicants – AND all intended occupants – thoroughly! Applicant screening is one of the most important responsibilities a rental agent has and it’s imperative you get all the RIGHT information to enable thorough screening.

Rental MasterClass - Screening Rental Applications

Do you have a clause like this in your rental mandate?

rental mandate clause re agent liability


Put slightly differently, this means . . .

In terms of this mandate, the Property Practitioner MAY be held liable to the Landlord for any loss or damage, including the Tenant not paying Rental or vacating the Premises before the Lease Agreement expires, in the event that the Tenant was not correctly screened and places by the Property Practitioner.

That’s a HUGE responsibility and to avoid liability we need to ensure that we DO screen all applications thoroughly – but it doesn’t stop there, you also need to be able to prove that you did, just in case a Landlord ever decided to try and hold you liable under this clause by claiming that you didn’t! Do you have documented proof of all your screening activities?

After attending this MasterClass, you will!

Shaun will be covering RentalSphere’s best practice & legally compliant Application Screening Procedure and our complete RentPack, including our Rental Application SOP, together with a pack of email communication templates to keep both applicants and tenant/s updated will be provided to all attendees.

Industry Expert Special Guests:

Bad Robot Media

Anuschca von Brandis, the owner of Bad Robot Media will be joining us to discuss branding yourself on Social Media, as well as 5 things not to do on social media.

TPN Credit Bureau

Chanel Coetzee from TPN will be sharing the tools that TPN has available to rental agents, including:

  • pre-assessment checks on potential landlords, property viewers, rental applicants, and other occupants,
  • tools to ‘FICA’ both landlords & tenants
  • checks of the credit history, total debt AND monthly financial commitments of rental applicants
  • a specific new offering to avoid scams & fraudulent documents

DAY 3: Lease Management – Arrears & Breaches of the Lease Agreement

As the duly authorised/mandated agent of the landlord, the agent is responsible for any/all lease management activities that they have been contracted to carry out. This also includes a number of landlord obligations set out in various pieces of legislation. Time is often of the essence and, in terms of your mandate, so is clear and timeous communication with the landlord. This involves a lot of work, as we well know. To make money as a rental agent one needs to manage a number of properties, which required you to work super-smartly & efficiently. In this masterclass, Shaun will be covering the lease management activities, with a focus on working smarter by setting yourself ‘time management rules’.

Rental MasterClass: Arrears & Breaches of the Lease Agreement

It’s the responsibility of rental agents to protect their landlords’ rights with respect to breaches of the lease agreement – this is an inherent duty in terms of their fiduciary relationship. This involves attending to breaches timeously and updating landlords accordingly of action taken. Of course, as professionals, agents also need to ensure that they take the correct action in terms of legislation. This is exactly what Shaun will be covering in this masterclass.

Shaun will also be covering a common question that is often asked . . . where does the agents’ responsibility end and lawyers take over?

If the landlord suffers any loss or damage because of no, incorrect, or delayed, action on the part of the agent, the landlord may well be able to claim any such losses or damage from the agent!

Industry Expert Special Guests:

Xpello Evition Process Management Specialists

Elize le Roux will be delving into the importance of following the correct breach management process, potential potholes in the process to watch out for, and the importance of taking immediate action.

We are honoured to have two of the top legal minds in the residential rental field also joining Elize in this discussion to empower our attendees with the latest legal updates, focussing specifically on breaches of lease agreements (both by landlords & tenants) and the current state of the courts in various provinces with respect to evictions, when they’re needed.

Ismaiel Mohamed, Mohamed & Leon Attorneys
Bruno Simão, BSA Law

Day 4: The End of Lease – Renewals & Exit Process

Rental MasterClass - Lease Renewals

The process of lease renewals is clearly legislated, and non-compliance with the legislated process may create a number of issues – specifically for landlords. The question is – are you sure that your renewal procedure is in compliance with legislation? Shaun Luyt will be covering the legislated requirements in this masterclass – as well as the potential prejudices to the landlord/s should this process not be followed. All attendees will also be provided with Rentalsphere’s legally compliant and best-practice RentPack which includes a thorough checklist, as well as a number of email communication templates to ensure that both tenants and landlords understand the process.

Rental MasterClass - The Tenant Exit Process

The end of the lease – specifically the exit process – is often characterised by disputes about damages and the distribution of the rental deposit. In our experience, the vast majority of these disputes are as a result of misunderstandings – specifically the tenant/s and landlord’s not understanding their obligations and their rights. Shaun will be clarifying these in this masterclass. Most importantly, when do tenant/s have a right to address any issues that may be highlighted, as well as what very specific rights landlord/s obtain at the end of the lease and how they can exercise these rights? All attendees will also be provided with our best practice and legally compliant RentPack which follows the exit process we have developed and proven to reduce end-of-lease disputes by more than 50%. In addition, our process also ensures that agents have substantial documentation to support them defend any deposit disputes that may ensue even though a thorough process is followed.

Special Guests:


Miguel Martins, Property Market Analyst and Investor

Miguel will be summarising the most recent rental market stats that have been released and what they mean for rental agents and agencies.

**Programme is subject to change**